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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

all you sinners get ready to win big!

because apparently, if kirk cameron is right, then when all the good folks get raptured, the rest of us get to fight over their jewelry and fillings. so there's that to look forward to. i thought that the weather today would be perfect for a rapture. a huge clap of thunder out of nowhere, brief torrential rain, and now it's sunny. apparently no one around here was raptured, but i can't really say that it's much of a surprise. and in case you didn't get the joke yet, let me spell it out for you. today is all about the rapture. as michelle pointed out a few days ago, it is all about the cowbell. and no matter how shit they be live at times, they always manage to get your ass shaking on their albums. and also, since we all know i have an extreme soft spot for remixes, they are the perfect band for me. ripe for the remix, and rarely disappointing. (i actually think i heard a remix of house of jealous lovers before i heard the actual song. i don't know what that means, exactly, but i think it means something). anyway, the new album is almost in our hot little hands, so to celebrate, here's some of the tracks, just to tide you over until next tuesday. also, of course, one remix.

from pieces of the people we love:

pieces of the people we love
the sound
get myself into it (prince language disco edit)