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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

waiting waiting waiting

today i am waiting to be able to go to work so i can be ready to start work for real in a few weeks. problem is, i have to sit here at my house and wait for the lovely folks from purolator to deliver my laptop from dell, and they really don't say when they might be here. (to be honest, the website kept telling me it was supposed to be here yesterday, but we all know that the internet doesn't think labour day should be a holiday). thankfully, the finance dept at dell is all good, seeing as i received my invoice BEFORE i got the computer. which is awesome. so i'm trying to make this short and sweet, so that i don't miss them knocking on the door (because god forbid they actually ring my doorbell). so here's 3 songs. maybe they will get you through whatever it is that you're waiting for today.

the blow - pile of gold myspace
the album leaf - always for you myspace
stars of track and field - movies of antarctica myspace